How to Deal With the Problem of Addiction to Gambling


The social, environmental, and financial impacts of gambling are well documented. Yet, how is the problem of addiction to gambling best dealt with? How can we reduce the costs and regulate the game? Let’s consider these issues one by one. Listed below are the main reasons for addiction to gambling. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but it should serve as a guide for anyone interested in reducing gambling’s negative effects. Hopefully, these tips will help you decide if gambling is right for you.


The first step towards recovery from addiction to gambling is acknowledging that you have a problem. This requires courage and honesty, as addiction is a disease of denial. The addiction will make you believe that everything is fine, but the only way you can begin to make a change is to admit that you have a problem. A solution to an addiction to gambling is a complete change in lifestyle. You can begin to replace gambling with healthier activities such as reading, watching television, or even playing computer games.


The costs of gambling are numerous, and can be measured in many ways. The productivity losses caused by problem gambling may exceed the benefits of the problem. These employees may spend hours on the phone, on the computer, or even at work during crisis situations. One study in Quebec found that problem gambling among employees costs employers $5 million a year, or an average salary of $30,000. Furthermore, financial losses may occur from theft or embezzlement by these employees.

Social impacts

Social impacts of gambling are costs that go beyond the individual gambler. They are not directly measured and accounted for in most studies of gambling. Some of these costs, however, are more readily acknowledged than others. These costs may be incurred through harm to other people, resulting in increased crime or even illegal gambling. On the other hand, the benefits derived from gambling may also increase crime. These costs are generally unrecognized, but they can become visible when analyzed at the community and society level.


The Internet has brought the world of gambling out of the dark ages, and the popularity of online casinos has expanded the customer base. The Internet has brought gambling into the mainstream of socio-legal debate, and the question of what form of regulation to adopt has become a hot topic. In Europe, the debate is particularly focused on the issue of online gambling, which is increasingly popular across the EU. Read on to learn about the different approaches to regulation, and find out which one suits you best.


Preventing problem gambling is essential for the health and well-being of individuals. The serious consequences of problem gambling include mental health issues, social and family problems, and even legal troubles. To avoid the negative effects of gambling, a comprehensive resource is necessary. It helps individuals learn facts about gambling and make healthier decisions. Among the resources that can help people with problem gambling, we found the Ludens program, which combines research on gambling and psychology.